Insights, data and inspiration from around the world

Our global team of over 250+ in-house industry and product experts, data analysts and advisory consultants is based in 38 cities across six continents, actively forecasting what's coming next, and where and when it will happen. From Fashion, Beauty and Food & Drink to Interiors and Consumer Tech, we report on the consumer behaviour, lifestyle and product design trends shaping the industry, now and next.

With production hubs all over the world, we create over 150 trend reports a month.

Meet some of our team

Helen Sac
Consultant Director, APAC, Mindset
As leader of WGSN’s consultancy business in Asia Pacific, Helen works hand in hand with our most valued clients to develop bespoke solutions that enable insight-driven creativity and strategic growth.
Jennifer Creevy
Director of Food & Drink
Jen heads up a global team of food and drink strategists, analysts and trend forecasters. Always starting with customer insight, she delivers data-led trend content that enables clients to make confident decisions.
Jess Tang
Senior Consultant, APAC, Mindset
A multicultural creative strategist, Jess is passionate about broadening the world’s understanding of Asia. Coming from a hybrid background in psychology and design, she uncovers the desires of consumers and translates them into brand and product strategies for companies in developed and emerging markets in the region.
Jien Goh
Consultant, APAC, Mindset
A trends consultant and creative strategist, Jien works at the intersection of brands, consumers and culture, seeking to bridge the creative and commercial parts of any industry.
Joe McDonnell
Director of Insight
Coming from a digital and creative background, Joe has worked developing award-winning advertising campaigns in sport, fashion and entertainment for some of the biggest brands on the planet including Rolex, Nestle, HSBC, Porsche, Unilever and Land Rover.
Lisa White
Director of Strategic Forecasting and Creative Direction
A future thinker with over 25 years of experience, Lisa is an expert in lifestyle and design and has predicted key long-term trends such as experience design and the home hub. Her industry knowledge, creativity and cutting-edge eye drive WGSN’s future innovation and macro trends, as well as product development forecasts.