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WGSN's 25th Anniversary: Trends We Predicted

For a quarter of a century, WGSN has been at the forefront of forecasting and anticipating some of the most significant market transformations. Its insights have extended well beyond the rise of social media, foreseeing the emergence of trends and shifts that have shaped consumers' lives all over the world. Take a peek at three of those trends.
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Nov 15, 2023
Trend Confirmations WGSN

For a quarter of a century, WGSN has been at the forefront of forecasting and anticipating some of the most significant market transformations. Its insights have extended well beyond the rise of social media, foreseeing the emergence of trends and shifts that have shaped consumers' lives all over the world. Take a peek at three of those trends.

Bright pink

Bright Pink Trend Confirmation WGSN

Having confidence in a colour is mandatory for companies. It might seem like a light decision, but in reality, it reflects massively in its sales outcomes since consumers state that 70% of their choice of products is influenced by colour.
One of the trends accurately predicted by WGSN was bright pink. The colour pink became really popular in the last decade, starting before the Barbie movie with Millennial Pink, and is still one of the predictions for next season, albeit in a different shade.

See below how the trend was forecasted and its next steps.

The outdoor boom

Outdoor Boom Trend Confirmation WGSN
Pexels / Ivan Samkov

This is one of the biggest and most versatile trends of recent years and WGSN called it as it was just emerging. It still offers plenty of potential for brands: Statista predicts the sports and outdoor market will grow 10.24% annually from 2022 to 2025, with a projected market volume of $100.8bn.

Here’s how WGSN charted its beginning and current rise.

Home as a hub

Home Hub Trend Confirmation WGSN
Pexels / Taryn Elliott

Our homes have become a focus in the past few years, impacting not only the interiors market, but the fashion industry and how consumers use this space for different sections of their lives. The Home as a Hub trend began before the Covid-19 pandemic and WGSN customers had a good headstart to adapt and respond to these evolving shifts when the trend was rapidly accelerated during the pandemic.

Here’s how WGSN charted its beginning in 2015.

WGSN's ability to consistently predict the big consumer and product shifts for the past 25 years has solidified its position as the lead authority in trend forecasting, enhancing our collective understanding of the world's ever-evolving landscape.

Read more on our history here.
