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Trend Q&A: How to reduce carbon footprint and more

Shopping cart abandonment, the permanency of working from home and brands’ role in the climate change crisis. That and more on today’s episode. 
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Dec 08, 2021
Work from home, shopping carts, carbon footprint. Polaroid-style image of excavator in wasteland
WGSN Original Image, Tom Fisk/Pexels

Shopping cart abandonment, the permanency of working from home and brands’ role in the climate change crisis. That and more on today’s episode. 

Want to know what’s next? Listen to the show where our experts from around the globe unpack your biggest challenges. This week, WGSN’s President and CEO Carla Buzasi takes us to Los Angeles and London. Hear from the friendly faces of our Insight, Consumer Tech and Food & Drink teams.

Watch the full episode below or read on for highlights of this episode:

Q: What e-commerce strategies can help us avoid shopping cart abandonment?
“Streamline your online product offer; too much clutter equals less conversions. Sales pricing and promotion should be seamless. We’ve noticed an uptick in retailers adding coupon codes directly to the checkout or having a tap-to-enter function on your iPhone or Android. Time-pressed and busy shoppers don’t need a dissertation of the product; less is more.”
– Andrea Bell, Director of Insight, WGSN
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Q: As working from home is here to stay, what tech trends should we be looking towards in this space?
“We’re looking at the rise of the metaverse for work and the implications that has on work products. Take, for example, hardware such as mixed reality headsets and smart glasses, but also metaverse-ready laptops that are fast and can handle a lot of data processing. These are going to be important trends to watch over the next few years.”
– Sarah Housley, Head of Consumer Tech, WGSN
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Q: As a food brand, what are some practices we can implement to reduce our carbon footprint?
“Some areas to reduce your carbon footprint include sourcing from regenerative farms and sourcing locally wherever possible. Explore some of the amazing climate-friendly ingredients emerging right now, such as moringa and kelp. Reduce packaging or switch to compostable materials, cut out waste in the manufacturing process and seek out the most sustainable way to transport goods.”
– Jennifer Creevy, Head of Food & Drink, WGSN
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