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Pioneering a better ecological future with ecoLogicStudio

How can seemingly inconspicuous microorganisms such as algae, fungi and slime mould become the catalysts for shaping a better tomorrow?
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Sep 02, 2023
Two beakers on a desk
Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green. Image: ecoLogicStudio/Henry Woide

How can seemingly inconspicuous microorganisms such as algae, fungi and slime mould become the catalysts for shaping a better tomorrow?

Find out in this podcast episode, where WGSN Executive Editorial Director Bethan Ryder is joined by Marco Poletto and Claudia Pasquero – academics, architects and co-founders of UK-based ecoLogicStudio – who take us on an exploration of biodesign to envision a future enriched by lessons from the natural world.

Marco and Claudia are also co-authors of Biodesign in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green. Launched this June, the book offers a unique perspective on harnessing nature-based solutions, including non-human species and microorganisms, to redefine the boundaries of contemporary architecture and design. 

Marco Poletto and Claudia Pasquero holding their new book
Biodesign in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green. Image: ecoLogicStudio/Henry Woide

Their profound belief in the power of nature and its often-overlooked organisms has resulted in projects that we also cover in this podcast, from a domestic algae garden to a building cladding system that uses algae to sequester carbon and purify air.

Delve into the symbiotic relationship between artificial intelligence and biodesign, explore the transformative power of biodesign and discover the key to unlocking a more sustainable, innovative and harmonious future – all in this episode of Create Tomorrow.

Biodesign in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green
Biodesign in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green. Image: ecoLogicStudio/Henry Woide

Leveraging the interconnectedness of slime mould

“I wonder whether we can start this conversation by asking our audience to close their eyes for a second and picture the idea of artificial intelligence. What is the first image that comes to your mind when you do this exercise? How many of you have the image of a spider web or the image of a slime? This is the kind of pictures that we have tried to bring up in our book.”
– Marco Poletto, co-founder, ecoLogicStudio

Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green
Biodesign in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Green. Image: ecoLogicStudio/Henry Woide

Recognising and respecting the intelligence of nature

“The book, by talking about biodesign in the age of artificial intelligence, tries to expand the notion of intelligence beyond the artificial one and recognise that there are multiple intelligence systems we can interact with, some of which are energy-consuming and some of which are energy producers.”
– Claudia Pasquero, co-founder, ecoLogicStudio

Head to Apple or Spotify to hear the full discussion on our Create Tomorrow podcast episode, Slime Moulding the Future with ecoLogicStudio.
