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Live from CES 2024 with the WGSN Consumer Tech team

Join our Consumer Tech team as round up their highlights from CES 2024, the most powerful tech event in the world, exploring what's new in the fields of automotive and entertainment, health and wellness, and tech innovations.
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Jan 17, 2024
CES 2024
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Join our Consumer Tech team as round up their highlights from CES 2024, the most powerful tech event in the world, exploring what's new in the fields of automotive and entertainment, health and wellness, and tech innovations.

Taking place from January 9-12 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the latest edition pushed tech boundaries and showed us why every company needs to be a tech company.

Automotive and entertainment

Explore the five standout examples of Automotive and Entertainment design and innovation at CES. These highlights captured the attention of WGSN Consumer Tech UX Strategist Arianne Anabuki, spanning from intuitive and hyper-personalised interactions, to immersive holographic experiences.

Health and wellness

Discover the newest advancements in health and wellness innovation at CES. WGSN Consumer Tech Strategist Matt Zara unveils his top five picks, featuring a robotic walking aid, an intelligent pillow and a skincare wand that boosts collagen.

Tech innovations

Watch below for five tech innovations in sustainability, accessibility, AI and CMF at the trade show for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. From plant-based air purification to smart textiles and folding titanium TVs, WGSN Head of Consumer Tech Carol Aquino shares her top five picks from the show.

What is CES?

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the biggest tech event in the world, providing a platform for companies and brands to showcase breakthrough technologies. The 2024 show featured 4300+ exhibitors (60% were Fortune 500 companies and 1400+ startups) and 135,000+ attendees, a record 40+% from 150 countries, regions and territories. It held over 250 conference sessions with 1000+ speakers. Key categories highlights included AI, Human Security for All, Mobility, Sustainability, Digital Health and Accessibility & Innovation For All.

CES 2024 car
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Important highlights included CTA's 100th Anniversary, celebrating a century of igniting innovation by advocating for innovation-friendly policies, capturing emerging trends in market research, developing consensus standards, and convening innovators to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges.

There was also the Innovation Policy Summit, where government leaders shared an optimistic view of regulation to empower tech innovation, including in AI. 160+ international, federal, state and local government officials and staff participated in the Leaders in Technology Program and IPS, which convened top innovators and policymakers to discuss the future of pressing tech policy issues, including privacy, health innovation, trade policy, competition, artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles.

Next year's show will take place January 7-10 2025.

Subscribers can stay up to date with the full coverage of the show through our Consumer Tech platform. Not a subscriber? Request a demo today.
