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Introducing WGSN Consumer Tech

WGSN has made our name forecasting trends in fashion, beauty, food and drink, interiors and consumer lifestyles. We now turn our attention to the exciting world of consumer tech.
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Sep 23, 2021
Technology floating in air
WGSN x Lucy Hardcastle

WGSN has made our name forecasting trends in fashion, beauty, food and drink, interiors and consumer lifestyles. We now turn our attention to the exciting world of consumer tech. 

WGSN Consumer Tech is a specialised platform that enables companies to design standout technology products to enhance the lives of consumers. This launch builds on our legacy of driving innovation and growth for the world’s biggest technology companies that have delivered consumer-first products and experiences based on our insight.

In this podcast episode, Lisa Yong, Director of WGSN Consumer Tech, and Carla Buzasi, President and CEO of WGSN, discuss the importance of the rapidly changing tech industry and its relevance for all the industries we serve. As well as new trends on the horizon, tune in to find out about our new platform, which covers all aspects of consumer technology, from the home and work sector to transport and mobility. 



Rise of the metaverse

“The industry will continue to evolve in terms of incorporating a lot of ideas from the metaverse rather than just a physical product that will encompass things like VR and AR. VR headsets and goggles could be incorporated into your fitness programmes, so a lot of the ideas from the metaverse and the gaming world will evolve into something that is suitable for so many different tech products, from the fitness sector to autonomous driving.”

Eren Li/Pexels
Eren Li/Pexels


Revolutionising design with CMF

“CMF is the visual and tactile language to communicate the creative possibilities for the design development of products. With the appropriate application of CMF – whether it’s colours, the materials or the finish and manufacturing processes – it really elevates the overall product experience by bringing a sense of tactility and personalisation to technology that surrounds us every day. Technology is intangible in a lot of ways, so CMF feels like it’s the bridge between what is tangible and intangible – the physical and the digital space – in a lot of aspects.”
— Lisa Yong, Director, WGSN Consumer Tech

To hear the full discussion tune in to Episode 32 of our Create Tomorrow podcast, Introducing Consumer Tech at WGSN on Apple and Spotify.
