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Global boiling begins

As July 2023 is declared the hottest month on record globally, UN Secretary-General António Guterres states that “the era of global boiling has arrived”.
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider Sep 08, 2023
melted ice cream
Pawel Janiak/Unsplash

As July 2023 is declared the hottest month on record globally, UN Secretary-General António Guterres states that “the era of global boiling has arrived”.

WGSN data

WGSN search index and NASA/GISS

What you need to know about the climate crisis

  • Heat stress represents a significant threat to companies in all sectors impacting human health, water and energy demand
  • These climate changes are creating a shift in the fashion and beauty industries as consumers look for protective clothing. In China, sun protection clothing sales increased by over 30% from 2016 to 2021, and are set to reach $13bn by 2026. The market for skincare with anti-pollution properties is set to reach $1.4bn by 2031
  • As language around the climate crisis develops, the British Sign Language dictionary is being updated to include 200 new environmental science terms including “tipping point” and “temperature inversions”

climate change protest
Markus Spiske / Pexels

“Brands need to wake up to the escalating threat of global boiling, recognising that within this challenge lies unparalleled opportunities for product innovation. By aligning product strategies towards the demands of heat protection and sustainability, brands have the chance to not only mitigate their own impact on the planet, but champion solutions that resonate with a growing community of conscious consumers”

- Helen Palmer, Head of Materials & Textiles, WGSN Fashion

What can brands do?

Adjust messaging to address the increasing climate crisis urgency and develop products with shifting global weather patterns in mind.

GAF (US) has launched the GAF Cool Community Project to mitigate urban heat islands caused by asphalt roads, reduced vegetation and waste heat from human activities. Its solar-reflective coating was painted on roads and recreational areas, with the effects “pretty much instantaneous”

Co2 producing factory
Pixabay / Pexels

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