

25th Anniversary WGSN





WGSN始终认为,仅仅分析产品趋势是不够的,还必须分析人们的行为模式。在分析消费者行为的过程中,我们对趋势的敏锐把握不断扩展到其他行业。因此,继WGSN Fashion(时尚)之后,我们又推出了WGSN Interiors(室内设计和生活风尚)、Insight(市场分析)、Beauty(美妆)、Food & Drink(饮食)以及最近的Consumer Tech(科技消费品)。如今,我们的客户包括服装品牌、汽车制造商、食品制造商、酒店集团、科技创新企业等,帮助他们在未来创造出成功的产品、服务和体验。


除了精编内容和时装秀报道外,WGSN还为我们的客户带来了节省时间的革新工具,包括可编辑的原创艺术作品和可下载的印花和图案文件,方便客户更高效地进行设计,无需额外成本和等待,从而能将更多精力用于制定战略。如今,WGSN的客户可以免费使用各种工具,包括数以千计的印花和图案,以及创新的3D CAD。




WGSN calls out small-batch and artisanal pickling as ‘hipster’ foodie culture peaks, noting it as a rising culinary trend in The DIY Kitchen.


Innovator brands test dill pickle-flavoured food and drink, from crisps to cupcakes. Awareness of the health properties of fermented foods grows. WGSN details pickle as both a key flavour and an emerging health ingredient in The Fermentation Boom.


In our Cuisine & Flavour Forecast 2022 we point to the power of sour, detailing how the pent-up desire for travel, newness and discovery amid the pandemic sees creators pushing boundaries with pickle, from innovative applications across savoury snacks to pickle pizzas.


WGSN highlights how Covid-19 is driving rising interest in immunity and gut health, identifying fermented foods as a popular topic. In our WGSN TrendCurve: Gut Health report, we reveal that “pickles” are the most discussed fermented food on social media, proving popular in posts with wellness- and culinary-orientated recipes, health tips and brand promotions.  


WGSN forecasts the rising interest in cuisines that regularly use pickled and acidic ingredients, including Korean, Japanese, Mexican and Southeast Asian. In our Third Culture Cuisine report, we explore the specific flavours, dishes and fusions that show the greatest NPD opportunity, drawing on the fermented condiments, garnishes and marinades pushing global pickle flavours forward. Yelp searches for “pickle” climb 55% YoY.  


Hate-it-or-love pickle flavours inspire social media fandoms. WGSN forecasts how niche communities of enthusiasts will drive interest in polarising flavours. #Pickles accrues 3.8bn views on TikTok and the #SourPickleChallenge goes viral, propelling the flavour into the mainstream.

Being Digital-First in the 90's

In the 90s, the creative world, particularly the fashion industry, was used to trend books. Beautifully crafted, these books required months of work, but the result, although correct, was static information that wasn’t evolving at the pace that trends were. And even as an industry that prides itself on being in with what's new, it was also slow to react. This was what we were set to disrupt. As a digital-first platform that revolutionised trend forecasting as we were born, we brought velocity and change.

In those early days, to transform fast what was too rooted in the past we needed to make big moves. In the beginning, WGSN supplied each of our clients with a computer so their team could access the trends in their workspace. Today, with the digital revolution, that is no longer needed but the revolution we started in 1998 remains in the creative industry to this day.