Digital Lavender's journey to Colour of the Year 2023

WGSN and Coloro called out Digital Lavender as a shade to watch in 2021, and named it Colour of the Year 2023. Embodying a crisp coolness and soft femininity, this purple hue gained momentum throughout the seasons. 

Explore our trend confirmation to see how WGSN has been tracking the rise of Digital Lavender since 2018, and discover what’s next for this trend. 


By 2023, as we predicted, Digital Lavender was everywhere. 

The purple pastel has infiltrated our everyday lives, appearing in products from the clothes in our wardrobe to the devices we use, and the songs we listen to.

Urangoo Samba, Head of Colour, WGSN, said:

“Up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on colour alone. With Digital Lavender coming into force in 2023, we forecast it at first for references of stability, serenity and digital escapism. It’s a sensorial shade that connects to holistic wellbeing and digital optimism we’re speaking a lot about these days.

“This shade poses that much-needed cautious optimism and escapism people are craving post-pandemic and during this polycrisis era. And even in times of budget crunch, it gives an imaginative and creative outlet, but also speaks of hope and balance.”

1998년부터 2023년까지... 그리고 2048년까지

런웨이의 프런트로

WGSN이 개척한 최초이자 가장 혁신적인 업적 중 하나는 전 세계 패션쇼를 더 폭넓은 대상에 제공하는 것이었습니다. 뉴욕에서 파리까지 패션쇼는 더 이상 운이 좋은 소수의 전유물이 아니며, 전 세계의 고객들이 클릭 한 번으로 관람할 수 있게 되었습니다. 오늘날까지 그 어떤 서비스도 이처럼 포괄적인 런웨이 커버리지를 제공하지 못하고 있으며, WGSN은 이제 이러한 커버리지를 행동 머신러닝 모델과 결합하는 또 다른 혁신을 통해 트렌드를 실질적인 비즈니스 효과로 전환할 수 있습니다.

소비자의 마음속 들여다보기

WGSN은 제품 트렌드를 분석하는 것만으로는 충분하지 않으며 행동 트렌드도 분석해야 한다는 사실을 항상 인식하고 있었습니다. 이처럼 소비자 행동에 초점을 맞춘 덕분에 다른 산업 분야로도 트렌드 방향성을 확장할 수 있었습니다. WGSN 패션을 시작으로 WGSN 인테리어, 인사이트, 뷰티, 식음료, 그리고 가장 최근에는 컨슈머 테크까지 출시됐습니다. 현재 의류 브랜드, 자동차 제조업체, 식품 제조업체, 호스피탈리티 그룹, 기술 혁신기업 등 다양한 업계의 고객들이 미래에 성공을 거둘 수 있는 제품, 서비스 및 경험을 창출하기 위해 모두 WGSN에 의지하고 있습니다.

강력한 도구 지원

선별된 콘텐츠와 패션쇼 취재와 함께 WGSN은 편집 가능한 오리지널 아트워크, 다운로드 가능한 프린트 및 그래픽 등 획기적인 시간 절약 도구를 고객에게 제공했습니다. 이를 통해 고객은 추가 비용과 대기 시간 없이 보다 효율적으로 디자인을 제작할 수 있어 전략 수립에 더 많은 시간을 할애할 수 있었습니다. 오늘날 WGSN 고객은 수천 개의 프린트와 그래픽, 혁신적인 3D CAD를 비롯한 다양한 도구를 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다.

글로벌 정보 제공

WGSN 트렌드 전문가들은 언제나 세계 각지에 퍼져 있어 전 세계 트렌드 정보를 고객의 눈앞으로 가져다줄 수 있습니다. 90년대만 해도 국내외 문화와 하위문화에 대한 이러한 접근 방식은 새로운 시도였습니다. 오늘날에도 WGSN은 사회, 기술, 환경, 정치, 산업, 창의성의 변화를 분석하여 독보적인 360도 관점의 트렌드 전망을 제공하는 프로세스인 STEPIC 방법론을 통해 트렌드의 최전선에서 고객에게 글로벌 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.


WGSN Fashion Feed starts reporting the #lilac hashtag, after seeing the colour pop up in multiple catwalk collections and street styles globally. As the hashtag gains volume, we introduce purple shades into our China forecasts for S/S 20, spanning Frosted Lilac, Purple Nitro and Violet Spectrum tints.


Purple shades start to appear on A/W catwalk collections. As we see its growth through our data analysis, we back lilac as a key colour for S/S 20, having identified the hue across several Milan shows. A versatile punchy shade, its application on leather feels particularly fresh, as seen in Gabriele Colangelo’s catwalk collection.


WGSN identifies colour as an opportunity to enhance wellbeing, as the global pandemic forges a re-evaluation of wellness towards a more holistic view. For S/S 22, we advise designers to harness the restorative and energising effect of warmer hues, and the therapeutic appeal of cooler hues, such as Digital Lavender.


WGSN and Coloro name Digital Lavender as the Colour of the Year for 2023, declaring that this hue will reflect a more hopeful view of the future.

Digital Lavender pops up across different product types, traversing into outdoor apparel, as seen with The North Face Purple Label. On the catwalks, purple becomes one of the fastest-rising colours, especially in the cooler pastel levels (+55% YoY).


After announcing it as a key colour, we continue tracking Digital Lavender in retail. Dominating on the S/S 23 catwalks, it makes up 61% of purple shades, up from 57.2% the year before.

Online searches for #DigitalLavender are rising by 36% YoY. TikTok is buzzing with #DigitalLavender hashtags, accumulating 2m worldwide views from April 2021.


Colour of the Year 2023 Digital Lavender is everywhere, from gracing the catwalks and nail polish collections to car and iPhone shades, to even featuring on Taylor Swift’s album.

WGSN e-commerce data shows Digital Lavender rising in new-season dresses and emerging across skirts. Pastels dominate the S/S 24 catwalks, with #GelatoPastels overtaking #DopamineBrights, as identified by WGSN’s Colour Vision AI tool.

Being Digital-First in the 90's

In the 90s, the creative world, particularly the fashion industry, was used to trend books. Beautifully crafted, these books required months of work, but the result, although correct, was static information that wasn’t evolving at the pace that trends were. And even as an industry that prides itself on being in with what's new, it was also slow to react. This was what we were set to disrupt. As a digital-first platform that revolutionised trend forecasting as we were born, we brought velocity and change.

In those early days, to transform fast what was too rooted in the past we needed to make big moves. In the beginning, WGSN supplied each of our clients with a computer so their team could access the trends in their workspace. Today, with the digital revolution, that is no longer needed but the revolution we started in 1998 remains in the creative industry to this day.